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mathematics the Fun Way!
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Towermaths’ methodology helps your child learn abstract mathematical concepts in the foundation phase (Grade R – 3). What makes Towermaths’ methodology different is that it succeeds to stimulate all senses and make learning a fun activity. This unique way of teaching was formulated by Professor Koop Lubbinge with 15 years of research and testing. Professor Lubbinge wanted to share this successful learning system with parents, children and teachers worldwide. By making this contribution to society Prof Koop is striving to ensure that pre-school and foundation phase learners enjoy learning, and have an understanding of the basic concepts of mathematics that will benefit them in their future studies and careers.
To bring Towermaths’ methodology to the world we have created a tutor system. Tutors can apply for registration. Tutors are trained and licensed in the Towermath methodology. Contact us now for more information.
Email annemarie@towermaths.com with your queries
- Towermaths
- Namibia
the launch of their maths project at four primary schools
- Towermaths
- Namibia
Towermaths Namibia is very excited to announce the launch of their maths project at four primary schools in the Khomas region in February 2021
The teachers of the four schools, Havana Primary School, Michelle Mclean Primary School, Fidel Castro Primary School and Hillside Primary School, are currently busy with virtual training-sessions with the Towermaths team.. read more
- Towermaths Namibia
- Namibia Video
- Towermaths Namibia
- Namibia Video
It is truly amazing how the children respond to this method of teaching. They are genuinely engaged in the learning process. They have a almost digital understanding of numbers and sequences. Grades have gone up by 20%, amazing!
I am so impressed with my daughter’s progress! She is already better at math then I ever was. I wish I had Towermaths in my education when I was young.
Towermaths is fantastic! I feel that I have made the best investment in my child’s future.
I enjoy the freedom that this tutor program offers. The support from head office is great and enables me to get my group of children together and make a change in their lives. Best decision I ever made.
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